Bem-vindos à passadeira rosa!
Welcome to the pink carpet!
Desta vez, Alexis Mabille adoçou-nos o bico.
Dos cabelos merengados das modelos às ultimas camadas de chiffon e renda chantilly, tudo era açúcar em tons pastel.
This time, Alexis Mabille pleased our sweet tooth.
Everything from the models' meringuehair to the last layers of chiffon and chantilly lace was powdered sugar in pastel shades.
Adorei a combinação casacos estruturados ao estilo dos anos 50 com saias vaporosas de tule. Tanto frou-frou! Até parecia que uma nova versão de Marie Antoinette desfilava na passerelle.
I loved the mixing of 50's style jackets with vaporous tulle skirts! So frou-frou! It almost looked like a new Marie Antoinette was rising.
Repararam nos cintos? Na forma como criam cinturas de vespa tão vintage quanto a silhueta esguia e bem delineada de Audrey Hepburn e outras deusas do cinema dos anos 50/60. Os corpos delas tinham moldes diferentes dos actuais e as roupas tornavam-nos ainda mais esculturais.
Have you noticed the belts? And the way they create waists so nipped as Audrey Hepburn's? The silhouette she and other vintage movie goddesses from the 50's and 60's had was shapped differently and the clothes made them even more sculptural.
Mabille conseguiu absorver uma boa parte dessa elegância e, com uma roupagem de fantasia doce, tornou-a sua.
Mabille was able to absorve a good part of that elegance, dressed it in the sweetest fantasy and made it his own thing.
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