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segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012

Monday Boost: I Feel Pretty!

Hoje é segunda-feira e apeteceu-me animar-vos com um Monday Boost um pouco diferente e dedicado a todas as meninas bonitas (ou seja, TODAS as meninas ;) ) que andam por aí!

Today I felt like cheering you up with a different Monday Boost, dedicated to all the pretty girls (meaning ALL girls!) in the world!

I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!

Such a pretty face!

Such a pretty dress!

Temperley London, at LYST                     Dolce & Gabbana, at LYST                       Oscar de la Renta, at LYST
Such a pretty smile!   
Such a pretty ME!

I feel charming! Oh so charming!

                    Dolce & Gabbana, at LYST

It's alarming how charming feel!

Alexander McQueen, at LYST                            J. Crew, at LYST                                             BIBA, at LYST
Yes, you're pretty! Oh so pretty!
Yes, you're pretty, so sing that all day!   


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