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domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

What's Your Fashion Statement?


 As you might have noticed, I tend to fall in love with this dreamy idea fashion creations carry in delicate seams. I look a lot into the past for inspiration as the future alone is not enough. I also worship Haute Couture and, even though I can't afford it, I try to learn some style lessons from the big masters. 

Giambattista Valli Haute Couture SS13

Do you want to know how does this come alive in my everyday life and which are the items I can't do without?

Marie Antoinette

Your wait is over!

Lesson nº 1: Faux-fur: 
 Layer and layers! Coats, collars over coats, stoles over souls! Find your harmony and get cosy, stylish and chic. Très chic!


Lesson nº2: High Heels!
 They're my basic of basics!
Oh, that's right! I got used to wearing them every day, everywhere (no, I don't wear them to the gym or sleep in them... yet! =P ). Well, to be honest I feel quite unconfortable in shoes lower than 2,5 - 3cm. And fortunately there are pretty comfortable heels to suit a busy everyday life :) Those sky high needle heels are kept for speacial occasions only!

Everyday Wedges

Day to Night golden heel ankle boots

Special Occasions nude pumps

Lesson nº3: Royal Bijoux
I need big rocks and romantic pearls to brighten my days and dazzle my nights!

Lesson nº4: Hats and Turbans
Hats and turbans are something I've always creved from the old glorious time of the couturiers. There's definitely an exotique allure in them.

Lesson nº5: Big Tote
I need to carry my life everywhere I go, so a big bag is absolutelly essential!

For now that's all! Hope ti have inspired you with this sneak peek into these lovely beauties I wear almost everyday! ;)

Thanks Mari and Donna! Loved your initiative ;)

6 comentários:

Donah @ SweetJellyBean disse...

Hi sweetie! Thanks so much for joining this fun fashion tag! Wow, you look absolutely glamorous! I love your style and that turban suits you very well! Not everyone can pull that off but you did it effortlessly! I know I would look like I just came out of the shower, that's for sure! hahah

Donah (now can be followed via GFC)

GIG Founder <3

Débora Faria disse...

Thank you so much! I had great fun doing this post and it's amazing getting that kind of feedback :)

happy blogging! ;)


shades of voguish disse...

Love your necklace on the last picture! It's gorgeous!

Moi Contre La Vie disse...

Stunning pictures - So inspirational! :)

Débora Faria disse...

Thanks! ^^

Débora Faria disse...

Glad you like it :)