Cada cabeça, seu turbante! Portanto, com imaginação e bom gosto divirtam-se a coordenar os vossos looks favoritos com turbantes. Deixo-vos algumas sugestões.
The turban is a pretty fancy fashion accessory. It's versatile and applyable both to day and night. It can hide that hair you can't master, makes your cheek bones and eyes pop, crowns you with the sophistication of divas from the 20th century's first half and fills your head with 1001 nights' fantasies.
Each head gets its own turban, so, with imagination and taste, have fun matching a turban with some of your favorite outfits. Here are some looks you can try.
City Vintage Cool
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Turbante de seda/Silk Turban |
Na cidade, de dia, coloquem um turbante sedoso sobre o cabelo solto, para conseguirem um ar mais suave e relaxado. Com uns leves toques de maquilhagem em tons blush e uns brincos estilo vintage junto à orelha, o rosto está pronto .
In the city, during the day, place a silky turban over loose hair for a soft and relaxed look. A light blushy make-up and vintage style earrings are all the decorations the face needs.
Um cardigan bordado, uns calções estruturados e sandálias rasas fazem o resto.
An embroided cardigan, structured shorts and flat sandals do the rest.
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Cardigan Valentino |
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Calções/Shorts 3.1 Phillip Lim |
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Sandálias/Sandals Cole Haan |
Um lenço faz um turbante. Experimentem este!
A scarf makes a turban. Try this one!
Party Diva Chic
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Grace Kelly |
À noite os volumes assumem o protagonismo, elevando as nossas cabeças a alturas faraónicas. Os brincos - das pérolas pequenas às dimensões mais arrojadas - são as jóias favoritas dos turbantes e este look não vive sem eles. Lábios nude, um pouco de pó iluminador e smoky eyes juntam o mistério necessário.
At night the volumes take over our heads and litt them to pharaonic heights. From little pearls to bold sizes, turbans love earrings and so does this look. Nude lips, a dash of illumitating powder and smoky eyes bring in the right amount of mystery.
Para não se cair num extremo vintage, o resto do look deve ser sóbrio e muito elegante. Apontamentos dourados sobre uma base preta bastam.
In order not to look extremely vintage, the rest of the look should be sober and very elegant. Golden details over a black base do the trick.
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Jumpsuit Bottega Veneta |
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Sapatos com salto dourado/Golden Heels Gucci |
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Brincos/Earrings Keneth Jay Lane |
O cabelo pode ser a chave do volume do turbante. Vejam!
Hair can be the key to the turban's volume. See for yourself!
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