Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Depois da opulência fabulosa da Chanel (Paris-Edimbourg), surge o minimalismo chique da Calvin Klein.
After Chanel's fabulous opulence (Paris-Edimbourg), Calvin Klein comes up with a vrey chic kinf of minimalism.
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Gosto de um minimalismo assim denso... O aspecto continua limpo e o interesse não se desvanece.
I like it when minimalism looks this thick... Still looks clear and the interest of the item is not lost in translation.
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Os tons de uma neutralidade quente criam texturas de um conforto luxuoso e tentador.
The warm neutral shades add textures of a comfortable and tempting luxury.
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Silhuetas fortes, de contornos bem moldados e cinturas demarcadas, contrabalançadas com a suavidade do toque e a harmonia cromática.
Strong, well shaped silhouettes clinged at the waist were balanced out with the softness of touch and an harmonious colour palette.
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Sobriedade sem monotonia.
Sobriety without monotony.
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
Um luxo contido, delicado e forte, pleno do poder de uma beleza simples que dispensa adornos.
A contained luxury, delicate and strong, full of the power of a simple beauty that needs no embelishments.
Calvin Klein Collection Pre-Fall 2013/14, at Vogue Paris |
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